Module content has been curated by a team of researchers from authoritative and reliable sources.
Click on each module title to view full details of the lesson plans, workshop topics and reflection activities for each module.

Communications 1: Presenting, Conversing and Feedback (M1)
Lesson 1: Presenting
Lesson 2: Conversing
Lesson 3: Feedback

Teamwork 1: Building and Leading a Team (M2)
Lesson 1: Building a Team
Lesson 2: Developing a Team
Lesson 3: Leading a Team

Coaching and Mentoring (M3)
Lesson 1: Coaching
Lesson 2: Mentoring
Lesson 3: Key Skills

Leading Change (M4)
Lesson 1: Understanding Change
Lesson 2: Planning for Change
Lesson 3: Implementing Change

Understanding Happiness (M5)
Lesson 1: What is Happiness?
Lesson 2: Finding Joy at Work
Lesson 3: Happiness and Change

Communications 2: Making a Personal Impact (M6)
Lesson 1: Communication Fundamentals
Lesson 2: Power Writing
Lesson 3: Email, Online and F2F

Teamwork 2: Making Teams Work (M7)
Lesson 1: The Trouble with Teams
Lesson 2: Emotion, Conflict and Trust in Teams
Lesson 3: Winning Teams

Leading Effectively (M8)
Lesson 1: What is an Effective Leader?
Lesson 2: Leading with Emotion
Lesson 3: Creating a Powerful Impression

Creativity, Initiative and Innovation (M9)
Lesson 1: Creativity & Inventiveness
Lesson 2: Sparking Initiative
Lesson 3: Breakthrough Innovation

Boosting Resilience & Energy (M10)
Lesson 1: Building Resilience
Lesson 2: The Search for Meaning
Lesson 3: Generating and Channelling Energy

Improving Personal Efficiency (M11)
Lesson 1: Time Management
Lesson 2: Handling Information
Lesson 3: Delegating

Dealing with Difficult People (M12)
Lesson 1: Vampires
Lesson 2: Power Players
Lesson 3: Challenging Behaviours

Inspiring Success (M13)
Lesson 1: Success Unlocked
Lesson 2: Engaging People
Lesson 3: Empowerment

Making Decisions (M14)
Lesson 1: Art or Science?
Lesson 2: The Role of Intuition
Lesson 3: Risk and Strategy

Career Building (M15)
Lesson 1: Managing Your Career
Lesson 2: Building Personal Profile
Lesson 3: Getting the Job

Resolving Conflict and Rebuilding Trust (M16)
Lesson 1: Understanding Conflict
Lesson 2: Learning How to Trust
Lesson 3: Rebuilding After Betrayal

Influencing Skills (M17)
Lesson 1: Sources of Influence
Lesson 2: Influencing Techniques
Lesson 3: Influence in Action

Managing Difficult Situations (M18)
Lesson 1: Coping with Crisis
Lesson 2: Damage Control
Lesson 3: Challenging Behaviour

Skilful Negotiation (M19)
Lesson 1: Understanding Negotiation
Lesson 2: At the Table
Lesson 3: Getting to ‘Yes’

Personality, Intelligence and ‘Fit’ (M20)
Lesson 1: Personality Types
Lesson 2: Personality Tests
Lesson 3: Personality Plus