Lesson 1: Creativity & Inventiveness
Imagine a world without the music you love, the movies that move you, or that device in your hand that you couldn’t live without – that’s the power of creativity.
Someone somewhere at some moment came up with the idea that turned into that song, that movie, that device. Coming up with new ideas = inventiveness = creativity. Your passport to the possible.
What we will cover in this lesson:
(a) Understanding Creativity
(b) Unleashing Creativity in Others
(c) Creativity-boosting Techniques
Lesson plan
- Creativity & Inventiveness – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Creative Thinking Strategies
- Recap Quiz – Creativity & Inventiveness
- Personal Experience

Lesson 2: Sparking Initiative
Are you:
a) One of those people who waits to be asked or told; or
b) One of those people who can spot an issue and come up with some ideas/suggestions/solutions on your own?
If your answer is b) then congratulations, you are on your way to being a great initiative-taker.
It’s all well and good being creative and coming up with ideas, but it’s the ‘go-getter’ people who make them real. Initiative is that ‘go-getter’ attitude: about taking charge, providing the spark, making things happen, and turning dreams into reality.
So let’s focus on what initiative even is, what stops people from taking initiative, and how to get some of that sparky ‘go-getter’ attitude for yourself and your team.
What we will cover in this lesson:
(a) Understanding Initiative
(b) Initiative Ingredients
(c) Instilling Initiative in Others
Lesson plan
- Sparking Initiative – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Leading for Initiative
- Recap Quiz – Sparking Initiative
- Personal Experience

Lesson 3: Breakthrough Innovation
Innovation is the key to turning “What if?” into “Wow!” It’s the art of creating something fresh, solving problems in a whole new way – and often on a much larger scale. It’s looking for breakthroughs.
You need creativity to be able to innovate, and you certainly need to take initiative to drive your innovative idea through.
In this lesson we will look at:
(a) Understanding Innovation
(b) Generating Big Ideas
(c) Disruptive Innovation
Lesson plan
- Breakthrough Innovation – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Leading Creative Minds
- Recap Quiz – Breakthrough Innovation
- Personal Experience

- This Workshop is called Shark Tank
- Workshop Preparation
- Creativity – video
- TAG Feedback Model.pdf
- Video Call Etiquette.pdf
- For Facilitators: Lesson Plan
- Facilitator Workshop Feedback

Reflection & Feedback
Course Feedback – From You
- Your Course Experience
Workshop Feedback – From You
- Your Workshop Experience
Reflection & Feedback For You
- Your Module Takeaways