Lesson 1: Personality Types
By now through your studies and your experience of the world of work you will have discovered that not everyone thinks, feels, views problems or acts quite like you. Those differences in the way people approach things are just signs of different personalities at work.
Personality is the unique way you think, feel, and act. It shapes how you interact with the world and others. Knowing about different personalities helps you understand why people behave differently, which can improve relationships, reduce conflicts, and make teamwork easier.
It also helps you understand your own strengths and weaknesses, guiding your own personal development.
This lesson is about:
(a) Different Personalities
(b) Personality Behaviours
(c) Leadership Personality
Lesson plan
- Personality Types – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Group Personality and Differences
- Recap Quiz – Personality Types
- Personal Experience

Lesson 2: Personality Tests
If you haven’t already, then at some point through your career you will gain first-hand experience of personality tests. Popular with recruiters, they’re typically used to help select candidates for internships, graduate jobs, future leadership roles, and team projects.
They matter because they reveal strengths, weaknesses, and behaviour traits of the people being assessed, so it’s good to understand what they are and how they are used.
There are many different tests available, but by far the most famous is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
In this lesson, we will look at:
(a) MBTI – What it is
(b) How is MBTI Relevant to you?
(c) OCEAN – The ‘BIG FIVE’ Personality Test
Lesson plan
- Personality Tests – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Personality Testing
- Recap Quiz – Personality Tests
- Personal Experience

Lesson 3: Personality Plus
Learning more about what makes you and others tick in terms of your personality and behaviour traits can only be a good thing as you engage more and more with others through your studies and work.
But relying on personality alone has its limitations. Important as it is, personality is just one part of the bigger picture of understanding people. It’s not the whole picture. Other factors like intelligence, culture and ‘fit’ also have a role to play.
In this lesson we will look at:
(a) Don’t Just Rely on Personality
(b) How Important is IQ?
(c) And Then There’s ‘Fit’
Lesson plan
- Personality Plus – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- The Missing Link: Motivation
- Recap Quiz – Personality Plus

- This Workshop is called Who Do You Think You Are?
- Workshop Preparation
- TAG Feedback Model.pdf
- Video Call Etiquette.pdf
- For Facilitators: Lesson Plan
- Facilitator Workshop Feedback

Reflection & Feedback
Course Feedback – From You
- Your Course Experience
Workshop Feedback – From You
- Your Workshop Experience
Reflection & Feedback For You
- Your Module Takeaways