What ARLLS learners are saying:

About learning from each other … and building community

“Through collaborative learning, we work in close connection with our peers thereby allowing us to gain insight into and learn from their experiences, perspectives, and expertise.”

“By reflecting on these experiences together, discussing key takeaways, and sharing insights, we deepen our understanding of leadership principles and their practical applications.”

“Building a sense of camaraderie and mutual support within the course enables a community where members are invested in each other’s success and well-being.”

“I have learned not only from the courses themselves but also from my peers. Through the personal experiences section, people are nothing short of understanding and even inspirational at times. It’s quite extraordinary how we have been able to relate to one another and help each other look at situations from a different perspective. These courses have really helped me connect with other… scholars and I hope it continues to do so for the forthcoming future.”

“The courses have helped me learn from fellow scholars through both the workshops and the personal experience sections of the online modules. I feel understood by my peers and I know I can turn to them when I am in need of advice.”

“Applying what I’ve learnt in the courses attracts more people with similar interests to me. It also connects me to people who are trying to be good leaders. Placing myself in leadership situations allows me to connect with many people in the school with different insightful views.”

“I value the opportunity to have discussions with fellow young leaders, it’s inspirational to have a space of like minded changemakers. I make it my goal to apply the knowledge we are taught from the courses and they have been useful in my interactions with my community.

They have built a stronger… community with the break-out exercises. The soft skills learned have empowered me to create a stronger black community at [my university] with my new position as president of the Advancing Black Careers Society.”

About employability

“This has probably been one of the toughest recruitment seasons I’ve been through. The market for entry-level jobs at the moment especially in finance is being affected by the slowdown in M&A work and general economic conditions… Interesting, to secure an interview… I obtained a referral and recommendation from [a] PE firm where I was last summer, who happen to be clients of [theirs]. A real-life example of all the things we learnt on the ARLLS curriculum about the importance of networking and cultivating relationships, and another testament to how important all these experiences are”

About emotional intelligence

“Through workshops, I have learnt about empowerment which is important as it encompasses dialogue (active listening and empathic understanding), critical thinking and problem posing to push further what one already knows. Emotional intelligence has been another key topic helping me gain skills such as self-awareness, self-regulation and relationship management.”

About communicating

“Workshops on emotional intelligence and communication transformed my approach as a teacher, employing strategies such as the TAG feedback model and active listening for effective student engagement. Moreover, [it] introduced me to a wealth of role models – fellow scholars, mentors, and recommended leaders – whose influence has shaped my leadership ethos. The combination of experiential learning and mentorship has propelled my evolution as a compassionate and effective leader.”

About being more aware of others

“I have gained more insights into how people think, and how this should inform how I lead. The tips from the emotional intelligence workshop on being mindful of people’s thoughts and circumstances have been useful when chairing meetings and allocating tasks.”

About workshop discussion

“I have most benefited from the information and discussions in the workshops, as they have broadened my horizons as a leader through expanding my toolkit of theories and leadership styles, which I’ve been able to use in leading different teams throughout this school year. I’ve also benefited from the public speaking practice that these sessions have awarded me, enabling me to be selected as a speaker at the TEDxDIA conference.”

About confidence and oracy

“The workshops throughout the academic year have helped me to develop my leadership skills in several ways. My confidence and oracy skills have increased greatly… I am also now able to lead people in a way that is not purely autocratic but also inclusive. I have become more empathetic towards people who I am leading.”

About self-challenge

“They have helped me challenge myself out of my comfort zone and teach me new things as a leader.”

About teambuilding

“An example of a skill I honed through these courses was – communication skills. This course equipped me with various communication techniques including active listening and giving feedback using the TAG model, which I try to practice during other workshops. These skills enable me to articulate my vision, inspire others, and build strong relationships within my team. Another skill was team building and collaboration. Leadership is not about working in isolation but rather about mobilizing and empowering a team to achieve common goals. The course provided me with strategies to build high-performing teams and motivate team members. I learnt how to delegate tasks using Belbin team roles, provide support, and create a positive work environment conducive to success.”

About relevance and practice

“Insightful and enlightening, the only way I could possibly describe my experience from these courses. Over the last year I have learned so many new things, lessons that have really changed the way I think and perceive situations; I have learned how to present myself and engage an audience, How to not only cope but to deal with change while keeping an open mind, I have learned so much from these courses, but what really makes it special is how relevant they are. Being able to put these lessons into practice has been challenging, but the more I try to do so the more I see the benefits of what we have been learning.”

About team dynamics

“The courses have helped me think more consciously about building and leading teams, and establishing good dynamics (something I previously left up to luck). I’ve also learnt a great deal about how to communicate myself using the TAG model through the Beacon workshops.”

About leadership style

“Leading needs a well rounded individual. Someone who can lead in many different ways in many different situations. These courses have provided me with the necessary knowledge to develop a leading style that works for me and the people I lead while also getting the job done. It also gave me the knowledge to understand that you can not use the same leading style in every situation.”

“The courses have helped me treat my leadership journey like lifelong educational journey. As it is delivered with equal importance as my academic course. The Courses have made me be more mindful of different leadership techniques to become a more efficient and impactful leader.”

“The courses have broken down the key aspects required to become a successful leader of change. With each breakdown, they make it easy to learn the soft and hard skills necessary to develop the traits. With this, I have been working the different skills and have seen a clear improvement. The modules act as guidance and tools to look back to when undergoing a leadership and team opportunity.”

“They have enabled people to be understood more because we as the young leaders are taught how to help everyone and keep everyone happy.”