Lesson 1: Understanding and Resolving Conflict
Conflict causes waves in friendships, classrooms, or teams. When it happens, leaders need to keep an eye out for trouble and try to steer clear of choppy waters.
Dealing with conflict is tricky but important. A leader needs to believe and communicate as follows: “If we handle disagreements calmly and stick to the rules, we can get through tough times together.”
Conflict is like a wild horse, untamed and unpredictable. High achievers are the skilled riders, guiding the horse with patience and understanding rather than trying to overpower it. By working alongside the horse, they can harness its energy to achieve great things together.
In this lesson we will look at:
(a) Understanding Conflict
(b) Resolving Conflict
(c) Leveraging Conflict
Lesson plan
- Understanding and Resolving Conflict – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Conflict Management – How Do You Score?
- Recap Quiz – Understanding and Resolving Conflict

Lesson 2: Building Trust
Building trust is crucial in any relationship. It’s like the glue that keeps everything together.
Trust means believing that others will be honest and do what they say. But trust is more than just a belief; it changes and grows over time. And leadership plays a big role in fostering trust among people. When everyone feels respected and included, trust can thrive.
As we learn to trust more, it can be difficult to judge how much to trust. Sometimes, it’s best to keep things clear and simple, especially in new relationships.
In this lesson we’ll explore:
(a) What is Trust?
(b) The 3 Types of Trust
(c) Increasing Your Capacity to Trust
Lesson plan
- Building Trust – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Learning How to Trust
- Recap Quiz – Building Trust
- Personal Experience

Lesson 3: Restoring Trust after Betrayal
When it comes to teamwork, as has been mentioned trust is like the glue that holds everything together. But imagine if someone took a sharp knife to that glue – that’s betrayal.
Betrayal can be devastating, and repairing damaged friendships, relationships, and family ties, challenging. If you manage to reach forgiveness, it’s a rare and valuable achievement, requiring you to navigate through pain and anger to find mutual understanding and respect.
In this lesson we will look at:
(a) Breach of Trust – Betrayal
(b) Repairing Damaged Trust
(c) Towards Forgiveness
Lesson plan
- Restoring Trust after Betrayal – 3 sections + check understanding question after each
- Optional Extras – 1 page PDF articles
- Handling Anger
- Recap Quiz – Restoring Trust after Betrayal
- Personal Experience

- This Workshop is called Trust is the Glue of Life
- Workshop Preparation
- TAG Feedback Model.pdf
- Video Call Etiquette.pdf
- For Facilitators: Lesson Plan
- Facilitator Workshop Feedback

Reflection & Feedback
Course Feedback – From You
- Your Course Experience
Workshop Feedback – From You
- Your Workshop Experience
Reflection & Feedback For You
- Your Module Takeaways